This blog is not intended for the General Public, But all blog readers are Welcome.

This is mostly Notes and Links for myself,
and maybe someday, this will provide insight and a bit of history for all the kids that call me Grandpa;
NutMeg, C-Kid, Z-Man, Lulu, and Dabbers,
I-Man and O-Man,
J-Man and S-Man,
Nat, A-Girl, and J-Boy.

For reference in this blog: Chip is my Son, and Carolyn is my Sister.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not a Lot of Progress

Well, I am NOW completely moved into the Hanger, with lots of stuff everywhere. There is almost too much stuff to move around.  On good clear days I can move many of the pallets outside to have space to continue organising and putting things away.

Several things "To be Done" that will help the progress;
  1. Installing the block-n-tackle in the rafters near the front door. Groceries would be lifted via hooks to the apartment in one simple load, instead of climbing the twenty steps with each group of sacks.
  2. Have carpet installed in the loft, and move my office and desks up there and free up space on the Hanger floor. - DONE
  3. Clean the south outside concrete slab and move outside things out of the Hanger.
  4. Move the bigger power tools to their planned location.
  5. Figure out the Electronics Shop Layout
  6. Find a place for Paints, Cans and Chemicals
  7. Take some trash and things to the dump -DONE
  8. Replace the temporary bed with something more suitable
  9. On a clear day, fix the flashing around the chimney - DONE
  10. And,   .   .
This effort will continue for sometime.

Things will be marked "DONE" when they are completed.


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